Tecnomac "Tecnomac

Blast Chillers

The power of cold








Ice Cream


The blast chilling process reached by using high-performances and technologically advanced blast chillers is the best method to prolong food and ingredients shelf-life, always granting freshness and fragrancy. The use of latest-generation blast chillers increases gastronomy, pastry and bakery activities productivity and efficiency, simplifying complex preparations stages and allowing to use a larger ingredients selection. Furthermore, this appliance is an essential instrument to complete ice-cream production cycle.



Bacterial Growth reduction


Less dehydration


Saving your purchases


Risparmio di tempo
fino ad un 30%


Waste reduction


Wider menu

Bacterial Growth reduction

Bacterial proliferation is very high when food is at a temperature of between +65°C and +10°C. Around +37°C the number of bacteria doubles every 20 minutes. Tecnomac blast chillers allow to “cross” the range of hazardous temperatures quickly, reaching the core of food to +3°C in less than 90 minutes. This minimizes the quantity of bacteria in food after cooking, improving its quality, organoleptic characterises and safety.

Less dehydration

Blast chilling immediately stops the moisture evaporation contained in food, preventing their dehydration. The fragrance and taste of foods are linked to the right amount of moisture content in food.

Saving your purchases

Thanks to the use of the blast freezer, which allows to extend frozen foods shelf life keeping their original qualities unchanged, it is possible to purchase seasonal ingredients when they are less expensive.

Risparmio di tempo
fino ad un 30%

Thanks to the longer shelf life of blast-chilled food, it is possible to plan production better and prepare larger quantities of dishes and semi-processed foods in advance, without having to repeat the process every day. Always maintaining the highest quality of served foods.

Waste reduction

Blast chilling/freezing increases the shelf life of foods, allowing the operator to have more time to use the foods, thus greatly reducing waste.

Wider menu

The longer shelf life of blast chilled foods and semi-finished products allows to increase the number of menus offered, without complicating the organization of production.

Our blast chillers


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ChillTouch Roll-in

Power and reliability

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EasyChill MT

Tunnel blast chillers for bigger productions

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Tecnomac proposes Blast chillers for chilling and freezing cycles from +90°C to +3°C and from +90°C to -18°C

Blast Chilling

+90°C > +3°C

All cooked food, if cooled at room temperature, loses its finest qualities. Tecnomac blast chillers allow to quickly reach +3°C at the core of foods that have just been cooked. The speed of this process is essential since it assures a reduction in the bacterial proliferation that is particularly critical while food is at temperatures between +65°C and +10°C. The final result is the preservation of the quality, colour and fragrance of food.

Shock Freezing

+90°C > -18°C

The blast freezing process is the best process to store food for many months. Tecnomac blast freezers, thanks to their powerful refrigeration system with an air temperature of -40°C, quickly low the temperature at the core of food to -18°C, avoiding the macro crystallization and granting perfect and long-lasting preservation of all the original organoleptic qualities of the food. After defrosting, there will be no loss of liquid, firmness or savour.

Tecnomac products application sectors

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